You don’t have to pay huge sums of money for a face massage that will invigorate your complexion, tone and condition your skin, relax your facialmuscles, improve circulation, break down fatty deposits, release toxins, reduce wrinkles, and leave your skin feeling smoother and more lively. All it takes is a tiny bit of know-how.
These 3 Tips for Face Massageare all- natural, as well as non-toxic and non-invasive, and they feel absolutely delightful. The do-it-yourself way to healthier, more beautiful skin, right here:
Use a simple all-natural lotion or oil to ease the movement of your fingers on your skin (olive oil will do beautifully). Be sure to do this Face Massage with clean hands and face, and leave your face damp before you begin. Pull your hair away from your face and have a small bowl of your lotion or oil at hand.
Here are some tips for face massage:
1. Use the tips of the index, middle, and ringfingers together to use a deep, local pressure in a tiny circular movement. You should be able to feel the skin rubbing in contradiction of the small muscles of the face. Lift the fingers and move them to travel across the skin.
2. Use the flat pads of the index, middle, and ring fingers together or simply the thumb to travel across the skin–either in a slow, spiraling action, or by simply sliding upward, downward, or outward. For the most part, keeps the remainder of your hand resting lightly on your face.
3. Pinching: Use your finger and thumb lightly but with sufficient strength to rouse the circulation and cause as light change of skin color. Beware of bruising–pinch lightly on the eyebrows and upper face, more heavily along the jaw.
Tips for Face Massage
Here are some tips for face massage:
1. Use the tips of the index, middle, and ringfingers together to use a deep, local pressure in a tiny circular movement. You should be able to feel the skin rubbing in contradiction of the small muscles of the face. Lift the fingers and move them to travel across the skin.
2. Use the flat pads of the index, middle, and ring fingers together or simply the thumb to travel across the skin–either in a slow, spiraling action, or by simply sliding upward, downward, or outward. For the most part, keeps the remainder of your hand resting lightly on your face.
3. Pinching: Use your finger and thumb lightly but with sufficient strength to rouse the circulation and cause as light change of skin color. Beware of bruising–pinch lightly on the eyebrows and upper face, more heavily along the jaw.
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