The prosecution’s late day witness was the tattoo artist who worked on Casey Anthony shortly after Caylee Anthony’s vanishing. Bobby Williams stated that he has known the defendant, Casey Anthony for just about seven years. He stated that she had asked him for a tattoo with the words “Bella Vita” in a womanly style font. The Casey Anthony Tattoo was going to be put on the back of her left shoulder.
Bella Vita translates from Italian to “Beautiful life” in English. He gave Casey Anthony Tattoo the tattoo on July 2 2008. This was approximately 2 weeks after the defense claims that Caylee Anthony drown in the Anthony family home pool. Claims are that both Casey and her father George Anthony were home when the drown occur on June 16 2008, that in fact, George Anthony found the body of Caylee floating in the pool and blamed Casey for her death. According to the prosecution, July 2 was 2 weeks after Casey Anthony murdered her daughter using chloroform and duct tape. Prosecuting Attorney George asked Bobby Williams what Casey Anthony’s demeanor was when she came to the tattoo shop to get the tattoo
done. Williams replied that she was “normal.” He testified that she
even seemed happy. She was on the phone the majority of the time he
applied the tattoo. The tattoo cost $65 and she paid cash.
Williams also said that after the tattoo was finished, Casey Anthony bought pizza and shared it with the artists in the shop. She returned on the 15 of July to make another appointment for 2 more tattoos. She did not mention anything to Williams about Caylee
on the 2nd, but told him on the 15th that she was at the nanny’s. It is
interesting to note that the state has been presenting their case in
sequential order – until this testimony by Williams. Some are
speculating that this could mean the state is ready to rest its case.
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